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DARE TO BE BRAVE Leading with a Fierce Heart autobiography by The Honorable Cheri Mason, Attorney

Hello, dear readers! Cheri Mason is on the verge of publishing her much-anticipated book, and there's an exciting offer for the first 100 orders – an autographed copy! In this blog post, we'll delve into Cheri's journey, her gratitude for the month of November, and a sneak peek into the book's insightful content.

Cheri's Journey:

"Revisions, revisions, revisions" – a phrase that resonates with many authors who are tirelessly perfecting their work. Cheri Mason is no exception. Despite the challenges, she maintains a spirit of gratitude, especially during November, a month dedicated to Veterans and giving thanks for life's blessings.

Cheri's editor has provided invaluable guidance, praising the book's essence while suggesting minor tweaks to enhance its impact. It's a testament to Cheri's dedication to her craft that her book has evolved into something unique, taking on its own identity.

DARE TO BE BRAVE Leading with a Fierce Heart:

As Cheri navigates the final stages of her book, she reflects on the profound truth that, much like life, the journey of creating a book holds more significance than the destination. It's a lesson that speaks to the resilience and personal growth Cheri has experienced throughout her writing process.

A Glimpse into the Book:

Let's take a peek into Cheri's book with a few intriguing excerpts:

Geese in V Formation:

Cheri draws an insightful parallel between the flight patterns of geese and leadership. Have you ever watched geese fly in their distinctive V formation? Cheri encourages us to pay close attention, for there's a lesson in true leadership to be learned.

Leadership in Action:

In their flight formation, the leader occasionally drops back to let another take the lead. This selfless act optimizes flying time, showcasing the importance of shared leadership responsibilities.

Efficiency and Communication:

The geese position themselves just above the bird in front, reducing wind resistance and conserving energy. This fosters efficient communication and allows them to track each other, highlighting the power of teamwork.

Purpose, Impact, and Value:

Cheri underlines that each member of the flock serves a purpose, impacts others, and brings value to the team. This analogy beautifully illustrates the interconnectedness of leadership and teamwork, emphasizing the importance of caring for the team.

Cheri Mason's upcoming book promises to be a journey of reflection, gratitude, and leadership. As she navigates the final stages of revisions, she invites us to appreciate the journey just as much as the destination, reminding us of the beauty that can be found in both.

Don't miss the chance to be among the first 100 to order her book and receive an autographed copy. Stay tuned for its release, and let's embrace the lessons of gratitude and leadership that Cheri has to offer.

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